18 RPGs we can’t wait to play in 2018

Square Enix
Square Enix
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2018 looks like it will offer some amazing RPGs to dive into. Here are 18 that should probably be on your radar in the coming year.

Bandai Namco
Bandai Namco

It’s a new year, and that means lots of new games to look forward to. And the games that often offer the most bang for your buck are RPGs. You can spend dozens, if not hundreds of hours on a single one while usually getting a pretty satisfying story in the process. Though I like most genres of games, RPGs are definitely my favorite, so I’ve combed through previews, trailers and release dates to find 18 RPGs for 2018 that most genre fans should be at least somewhat interested in. This is not meant to be a comprehensive list or even the top list. Some games will inevitably be left out for various reasons, especially if I have serious doubts about them actually coming out this year (Kingdom Hearts III) or a release date hasn’t even actually been mentioned (Pokemon for Nintendo Switch). But here are 18 games that should easily fill up a good chunk of your gaming time this year:

Bandai Namco
Bandai Namco

#18. Untitled Tales game for Nintendo Switch

The Tales games are usually what I like to describe as “RPG comfort food”. In truth, you could play one from a decade ago and any of the most recent ones and you might be hard-pressed to tell any huge difference. Sure, there are iterative improvements and changes over time but it’s almost like an annual sports game franchise where unless you really dig in its hard to tell what’s changed from one title to the next. And yet, they almost always manage to bring a fun cast with a solid battle system that you still don’t see many other places.

With that in mind, it has been announced that a game in the Tales series is coming to Nintendo’s hot new console hybrid, the Nintendo Switch. The only thing is, aside from the initial announcement, there’s been nothing about this game. Is a new entry? A remake of an older title? An anthology collection? We just don’t know. But it was announced to be out by the end of the fiscal year, which is March 31st. That’s pretty soon. And we haven’t even seen a single screenshot.

Well, it might not make it by March, but Bandai Namco seems to be able to pump out at least one of these games each year, so I find it hard to believe we won’t be playing a new Tales game on the Switch at some point in 2018. It’s just hard to get super excited about it until we at least get some official announcement and trailer that shows us some of it.