10 snowy video games to make you feel that December chill

Credit: Guerilla Games
Credit: Guerilla Games /
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

It wouldn’t be a list of snowy video games if we didn’t include Skyrim. I first played Skyrim a touch later than everyone else, mid-way through college, during an especially snowy winter. I’d play for two hours before afternoon classes, then stuff in my earbuds and listen to Streets of Whiterun on repeat while walking ten minutes across campus to my seminar on Hegel’s Phenomenology of the Spirit or whatever ghastly thing I was taking at the time. Since then, Skyrim in my mind has been synonymous with winter days and is on my playlists right next to I Am Setsuna for great snow music.

Even now, with the Nintendo Switch and VR releases, I still love returning to Skyrim’s aesthetic, though I admit I’ve never finished the story of the game despite logging hours and hours. I love wandering the frozen tundras, watching the sun set behind mountains, and seeing the distant shadow of an elk. Anytime I’m desperate for a taste of winter, I open up The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It never disappoints.