30 best Final Fantasy games

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Best Final Fantasy Games #16 – Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy

Chaos and Cosmos are up to no good once again, with Dissidia 012 serving as both a prequel and remake of the original game while expanding upon its gameplay mechanics. It’s not that Square Enix didn’t want to fix something that wasn’t broken, but the base fighting system needed some refinements and extras.

First off, the game’s single-player story mode now had a dedicated overworld built in, with random encounters replaced by individual fights. In addition to remaking the original Dissidia story and transporting it here, players had a brand new series of scenarios and missions and dozens of hours’ worth of content to explore.

It’s not just the campaign that got bolstered; the fighting mechanics were upgraded overall. An Assist system was added to throw allies into the match to go on the defensive or bolster an upcoming attack. It served as a counter to the EX Revenge system, bringing a much-needed balance to the game’s competitive meta.

Square Enix doubled down on the game’s fighting style, improved the presentation and tried their best to provide a deeper campaign for story enthusiasts to create one of the greatest PlayStation Portable titles.