What to do after the final boss of Super Mario Odyssey

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super mario odyssey
Credit: Nintendo /

Wearing many hats

As you traveled through Super Mario Odyssey, you’re sure to have dumped those coins on a few outfits here and there to accessorize your plumber just right. But what you’ve seen in the stores so far isn’t all that’s available. Even more outfits will unlock after the game is over, including some ridiculous costumes that will cost you 9999 gold coins.

Post-game is a great time to finish collecting coins and buy up those outfits. There are enough purple coins in each kingdom to purchase every outfit and decoration for the Odyssey, and enough space on the ship to fit it all for a fully decked-out cabin. Mario can sport ridiculous outfits at the end of the game, too, and some may even be available by revisiting certain kingdoms. Be sure to get that Luigi suit while you’re at the store so the guy in green gets at least a little bit of glory, even if we never see him in the adventure (really, we don’t.)