Pokemon Gold and Silver are out on Virtual Console, and trainers are braving their way through Johto and Kanto nostalgia once more!

Have you picked up Pokemon Gold and Silver for the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console yet? Widely regarded as the best Pokemon games ever made, this pair of Pokemon adventures has the power to invoke some serious nostalgia. Arguably, some of that nostalgia is even stronger than that brought about by Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow! The sheer thrill of such an incredible sequel to a game we all already loved imprinted lasting memories on many of us.
Pokemon Gold and Silver were my favorite Pokemon games (if I don’t include Crystal), so going back through them has been a truly incredible adventure back into my childhood. Here are ten of the most nostalgic moments I’ve experienced as I’ve replayed through Pokemon Gold and Silver:

Picking your first Pokemon
Of course. How could this choice not be first? With the exception of the recent, Alolan starters, the 2nd generation starters may have been the best trio ever offered to a player. Each Pokemon was sufficiently distinct, thematic, and didn’t look too much like a recolored animal. Though I picked Totodile, it’s hard not to also love the cute charm of Chikorita or Cyndaquil’s adorable face, like he’s just eaten a huge, hot muffin and feels satisfied by it.
I won’t even get into an argument here about which starter is the best. They’re all three the best. If only Crystal had been like Pokemon Yellow and let us eventually obtain all three!