9 games we are excited to see at E3 2017

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#3. Bethesda’s New IP

Bethesda gave us gamers a huge tease recently, showing their various franchises as a theme park of sorts, and listing two areas as “under construction.” It’s possible those are licensed games (maybe they are making a Marvel game, who knows?) or long-awaited sequels, but odds are more than likely we are getting at least one completely new IP. What is that IP? Well, we have a couple of possible hints, but when you have a new IP probably coming from the makers of Elder Scrolls and Fallout, that should be reason enough to be very excited at anything new they bring out.

So the first rumor is that it will be an epic RPG much like Fallout or Elder Scrolls, but it will be one set in outer space, most likely called “Starfield,” a name Bethesda trademarked a couple of years ago. It would certainly be very interesting to see how Bethesda’s formula translates into an outer-space adventure. Or would it be very different?

The other, more sensible but less exciting rumor is that it is a “freemium AAA game,” which I don’t want to immediately dismiss, but obviously, I’d much rather have my grand sci-fi outer space epic.