9 games we are excited to see at E3 2017

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#6. Xenoblade Chronicles 2

In terms of JRPGs that we know for sure will be at E3, there’s not a ton to get excited about. There’s no new Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest. I’m actually very interested in Ni No Kuni II, but I think we already know what that game will be like. But Monolith Soft is bringing Switch owners their next epic adventure with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 that will certainly be at the show and hopefully out this year.

I spent about 100 hours with the first Xenoblade Chronicles and thought it was an amazing game. I spent about 100 more with Xenoblade Chronicles X and was severely disappointed with the shallow characters, having to grind rare drops just continue the story, and so on. But Xenoblade Chronicles X did have some neat ideas and the combat was great. Hopefully, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will be able to take what did work in X and make it as compelling and epic as the first game.

And while it’s confirmed the game will star a new protagonist, I’m hoping characters from the first game will still make a showing, as most of them were pretty memorable and it’d be cool to see how their personal stories panned out. The ability to take an epic open world JRPG on the go this year would be fantastic, so let’s hope Xenoblade Chronicles 2 shows up at E3, looks great, and will be out this year.