10 3DS/DS exclusive franchises that should come to Nintendo Switch

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#2. Luigi’s Mansion

I loved Luigi’s Mansion on Gamecube. But it’s not hard to see why it wasn’t a huge success. People wanted a new 3D Mario game. Maybe a new Zelda or Metroid game, but not a game starring Mario’s brother where you sucked up ghosts with a vacuum, and it was over in six hours or less. Still, the game looked great, had a fun concept, was super charming and gave Luigi a personality he had previously lacked.

So I was pretty ecstatic when Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon was announced for the 3DS. And it was a fantastic game. And it sold very well and was highly acclaimed. So where the hell is a sequel? Of nearly all the games on this list, this seems to most baffling to not have had a follow-up entry based on the success of the last game. It could just be that Nintendo doesn’t want to release another in the series until they come up with some unique gimmick for it, but forget that.

Just give me Luigi being a scaredy-cat in a big mansion with lots of ghosts to suck up with his trusty Poltergust 5000 on My Nintendo Switch. Throw in some HD rumble if you feel like it, but it’s been far too long since we had a Luigi’s Mansion game and the Nintendo Switch seems like a prime opportunity to give us a new one.