#3. Streets of Rage
For my money, the best side-scrolling brawler series of all time is easily Streets of Rage. It’s not super hard to understand why Sega hasn’t revisited this franchise since the Genesis. 2D brawlers fell by the wayside long ago, and efforts to bring classic franchises such as this into 3D have been pretty abysmal failures.
But I feel like now there’s a much better way to do Streets of Rage right in the modern day and not even attempt a 3D version. Just release a new entry that is 2D and refined to perfection. Have all the previous characters from the last three games, along with a couple of new ones, make it with online co-op and bam you have a relatively low-risk game with a high chance of finding the audience looking for it. Make it on the scale of something like Castle Crashers or Scott Pilgrim and I think people would be pretty happy with the result.