10 franchises Sega should resurrect

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#7. Dragon Force

Dragon Force might be considered a pretty simple strategy game by today’s standards, but man it was so much fun. You commanded huge (for the time, anyway) armies of soldiers, archers, wizards, fairies, dragons and so on. You could choose from a wide range of leaders, conquer other leaders and have them join your growing empire.

Real-time strategy games of any sort have always had a hard time transitioning well to consoles, but Sega’s Dragonforce seems to simplify it just enough to make it work without it being too dumbed down. A return to the franchise is long overdue. Heck, there was a sequel released in Japan that never came out over here. It wouldn’t be a terrible idea just to give it an HD shine and release it to at least test the waters. Dragonforce was one of the best Sega games and it was relegated to their least popular console. It deserves another chance at finding an audience, be it through a re-release or a brand new entry.