10 franchises Sega should resurrect

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Sega is looking to resurrect some “major IPs.” Here are our suggestions for the top ten they should prioritize.

Sega recently announced they are looking to bring back “major IPs,”, now what may be considered “major” is a matter of perspective, but I believe for most that means some of the publisher’s best games from when they also made consoles. So with that in mind, I came up with ten franchises from Sega’s past we haven’t seen in a long time, be it a sequel or remaster, and would like to see again.


#10. Nights Into Dreams

So, it might be argued that Nights Into Dreams was never a great game. It was more an arcade-like tech demo than anything else really. But it was also arguably made at a time when certain things that are pretty standard now were still fairly new concepts. Fully 3D environments? Analog sticks? 20 years ago those were still kind of new concepts that a lot of companies tried to grasp and failed miserably at. You have to look no harder than the massive graveyard of early 3D platformers for evidence of that.

However, as someone who was a diehard Sega fan up until they had to pull out of the console race, Nights Into Dreams still holds a pretty special place in my heart. Sure, there was a Wii follow-up, but it was essentially the exact same game with horrific voice acting. What I’d like to see, even just to see if the concept was viable, is a fully 3D adventure that captures the feel of flying through the air, maybe with a tad more action involved. Get Platinum or even Treasure if they are still around to help with development. I think a new entry in the Nights franchise that goes fully 3D and does it well would be one amazing game.