10 PlayStation 4 Games That Need To Be On PlayStation Now

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Credit: PlayStation

7. Transistor

From the creators of Bastion and the upcoming PyreTransistor was a methodical isometric adventure. The experience is eery. It can be majestic. It is sad, ultimately, but you follow along with protagonist Red anyway.

Tracking down what happened to you, your trusty sword narrates your journey of discovery. All the while, you encounter these enemies who regularly show you how to pull off more and more abilities.

The real jewel of this game on PlayStation Now would be showcasing indie titles which are older on a platform that may not get as much love outside of the occasional sale. These kinds of titles would fill out the offerings on PlayStation Now nicely. I think Transistor is a good exemplifier of that idea.

Other titles like this would include Shovel Knight, The Witness, and classic Rocket League.