Great Reactions to Link Naked in Breath of the Wild

Credit: Nintendo
Credit: Nintendo

Just because you can run around in Breath of the Wild in boxers doesn’t mean you should, but if you do, some of Hyrule’s denizens have interesting remarks.

Disclaimer: I highly recommend wearing armor or clothes in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, if only because without it, most monsters will kick Link’s rear halfway to Castle Town. Besides, if you are running around in your boxers (the same pair Link’s been wearing for 100 years by the way, just, ugh), there aren’t nearly as many crass remarks by NPCs as I hoped there would be. I guess for Hylians, clothing is mostly only a suggestion–we certainly can see that it is for folks like the Zora and Goron!

That said, wow, there are some great, goofy reactions from a handful of NPCs if you do run around in the buff. Some of them are specific to seeing Link without pants, while others are generic responses that take on an entirely new meaning when Link’s in a state of undress. I’ve compiled some of my favorites here for your enjoyment.

Warning: Of course these are spoilers for characters, towns, and interactions! There are some very, very minor story spoilers at the end, but they don’t reveal anything major about the game’s plot.

breath of the wild
Credit: Nintendo

This guy will build a house for you if you bring him 3,000 rupees and…uh, some wood. Yeah, I’ll just let that thought float gently away into the breeze.

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Credit: Nintendo

His cohort is a little less overt in his advances, but he’s still impressed by Link’s dashing good looks. He traipsed off to Akkala after we spoke with him, so we’re hoping we can continue the flirtation with him there.

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Credit: Nintendo

Beedle’s always way too happy to see you, whether you’re wearing clothes or not. Eyes up here, buddy.

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Credit: Nintendo
breath of the wild
Credit: Nintendo

Robbie and Purah remark specifically on Link’s exposed flesh, though their reactions are far more practical than everyone else’s. Don’t fret about Link exposing himself to what appears to be a small child–Purah’s not a kid, she’s just very tiny.

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Credit: Nintendo
breath of the wild
Credit: Nintendo

I’ll let these interactions with the Great Fairy speak for themselves. The Weird dial on everything just gets turned up past 11 when Link undresses.

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Credit: Nintendo
breath of the wild
Credit: Nintendo

Poor Paya…she’s so awkward around Link anyway that his appearance without clothing destroys her ability to have a regular conversation. I wonder why she acts this way around our young hero? Oh, wait, I have an idea…

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Credit: Nintendo

Well, that explains that.

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Credit: Nintendo

Sophie over at Ventest Clothing has certainly got our motivations figured out. Now if only she’d step out of that corner she loves so much.

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Credit: Nintendo
breath of the wild
Credit: Nintendo

Dangit, Sayge, what if I want my boxers dyed? What if I want my FLESH dyed? How dare you tell me to “Wear clothes”?! This is an absolute outrage.

breath of the wild
Credit: Nintendo
breath of the wild
Credit: Nintendo

The Gerudo aren’t happy if men, or voe, show up in their village, so you can’t enter wearing dude clothes…nor can you enter naked. Either way, you’ll be chucked out onto the desert sand at sword point. But there is one way you can enter Gerudo Village, and it’s not through nudity:

breath of the wild
Credit: Nintendo

What a beautiful vai! The Gerudo love her.

Next: Nintendo Switch Hardware Review: Putting It All Together

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild launches today for Nintendo Switch and Wii U. You can read more about our thoughts on the game in our review.