Stockpile arrows
Get. Arrows. You want arrows. While Breath of the Wild generally does a wonderful job of allowing you any solution you can conceive to a problem or battle, you’re really going to love arrows. Arrows can instakill enemies from a distance if you sneak up and pull off an easy headshot. Arrows can light stuff on fire and blow it up, or serve as a torch substitute if you idiotically dropped yours into a lake. Arrows can freeze obnoxious enemies when there are too many around, shock others into dropping weapons, or even instantly demolish Guardians if you get the right kind.
Arrows are plentiful in Hyrule, but you’ll run through them so quickly they may as well be scarce. Bokoblin camps generally have an archer or two, and you can easily gather them by letting them fire on you, dodging, and just picking them up off the ground. Beedle will also sell you a limited amount whenever you find him at a Stable. However which way you do it, acquire many arrows, then shoot the living heck out of anything that tries to fight you.