10 Tips and Tricks for Your First Hours in Breath of the Wild

Credit: Nintendo
Credit: Nintendo /
10 of 10
Credit: Nintendo
Credit: Nintendo /

Follow your instincts

Above all else, don’t listen to me or anyone else telling you how to play if you don’t feel like it. Breath of the Wild is a game that joyfully encourages the player to forge their own path ahead. Want to run straight to the final boss? Do it! Prefer to bash your way through with nothing but Boko Clubs and Shields? Good luck, but sure! The pure freedom of this game is one of its best perks, and while my tips can help you survive longer or fight harder, they aren’t a substitute for the player seeing an objective and just going for it.

Next: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Review - Way Leading On To Way

Trust your gut feelings, and feel free to pursue anything in-game that catches your eye. There’s no time limit and nothing to stop you from scouring every nook and cranny of the world before the credits roll, so enjoy the experience however you like.

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