10 Ideas We Would Be Completely Ok With Trying In The Legend Of Zelda Series

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8. Cooking Tingle

The Legend of Zelda has officially invaded your kitchen with some new recipes for real items like steak and new ideas on how to cook your mushrooms! This is also yet another example of why Link would fit in perfectly in Final Fantasy XV. Those guys sure do love to eat and Link and Ignis could bounce ideas off of each other after the days adventures.

Now, Link would never work for this idea because it would happen in the midst of a mainline The Legend of Zelda game. What if our best traveling mate, Tingle, after all his worldly travels set down and established his own restaurant series and cooking show?

Walking through towns in Hyrule, you can see advertisements for the great restaurant, Tingle, beside the tagline: “It Makes You Feel Good Inside.” Tingle as a chef would obviously need you to help him out and free up areas for his staff to be able to pick up more ingredients.

You could even make the sign for the restaurant a green balloon as a throwback to all Tingle’s escapades traveling by balloon throughout the Zelda series.