PC Maintenance Equipment
One of the upsides of owning a PC is the ability to personally customize and upgrade parts over time. Building your own desktop is almost a rite of passage for a lot of PC gaming enthusiasts. If your significant gamer is technologically inclined and enjoys tinkering with their gaming rig, there are a number of small, cheap but useful gifts that make perfect stocking stuffers.
When installing PC components, a high-quality, magnetic screwdriver can make a world of difference when dealing with a large number of small screws. Nothing is worse than dropping a small black screw that falls underneath your motherboard and blends in with your already black case. So don’t let that happen: make sure your significant gamer has a screwdriver with magnetic bits! And speaking of working in tight spaces, a good LED headlamp can also come in handy when trying to work with small screws and installing components. Even a bunch of extra case screws could be a handy stocking stuffer.
Anyone working on a PC should always be grounded to limit the build-up of static electricity when dealing with computer components that are electrostatic sensitive. A great way to protect yourself against accidental damage is through an anti-static wristband, like this one from Rosewill. Every PC will ultimately gather up dust, so gift your gamer friend an electric duster to help keep their rig clean and dust-free. A good PC is a clean PC!