47 – Torchlight II
Developer: Runic Games
Initial Release Date: October 27, 2009
Why it’s one of the best RPGs: Though skimpy on the storyline, the original Torchlight was a wonderful Diablo-style dungeon crawler with randomized dungeon generation centered around a hub town. Its sequel, Torchlight II, only improved on the already excellent formula by adding the element it needed the most: co-op. Torchlight II, therefore, becomes the RPG for players who love MMO-style games but dislike forced interactions with strangers. You and several friends can select one of four classes, pick a pet to journey with you, and set off on a quest to stop one of the now-corrupted player characters from the first game from wreaking havoc.
Torchlight II’s systems are simpler than Diablo’s. While that may be frustrating for veterans, those newer to such top-down dungeon crawlers will find the pace comfortable to grasp. You’ll quickly be drawn in by frequent gear upgrades and lots of hidden secrets, too. It’s all part of what makes Torchlight II everything Torchlight aspired to be. Hopefully, there are even greater heights to aspire to in coming years.
Next: 46 - Tales of Phantasia