10 Best Free Relaxing Mobile Games Right Now

Credit: Noodlecake Studios
Credit: Noodlecake Studios /
8 of 11
Credit: Ice Water Games
Credit: Ice Water Games /

4 – Viridi

Developer: Ice Water Games

Why it’s one of the most relaxing mobile games: As an adult with a space in which to grow plants, I often hear the merits of succulents lauded by my older friends. I have little experience with these mysterious plants, so I picked up Viridi when I heard it was a mobile game all about growing them.

Viridi may seem strange to those used to games you must check in on and spend resources regularly to progress in. You begin with a small pot and some starter seeds for succulents of your choice. Each week, you get a free new seed, or you can spend real money for more. And then they grow. And you watch them. I don’t mean right away. These are plants, and they grow very, very slowly.

You can check in on them and their growth whenever you like and see their progress. They require watering once, maybe twice a week, with a little spray bottle. There’s a snail on the side of the pot. And that’s it! It’s your own, portable succulent pot. Nothing more is needed.

Some may dislike the slow, low-interaction title. I find Viridi refreshing in a novel way. You might too.

Viridi is available on the App Store, Google Play, and Steam.

Next: 3 - Neko Atsume