The Mists of Pandaria is the fourth expansion for the World of Warcraft, which introduced a new monk class and the Pandaren race. Set in the Asian-inspired land of Pandaria, this expansion’s lore is noticeably sparse in Hearthstone. While there are no adventures or expansions that completely envelop an entire WoW expansion, I would be surprised if Blizzard did not at some point incorporate the lore of Pandaria into Hearthstone in some fashion.
Blizzard could always just draw from the main raid instances of the expansion, including Mogu’shan Vaults, Siege of Orgimmar, and Throne of Thunder (because everyone needs a good troll raid). But I would rather see something more original for this adventure that incorporates the humor of the expansion. Pandaria included some very silly dungeon encounters, such as fighting against the giant rodent Hoptallus in Stormstout Brewery. I would love to see an adventure that plays along with Pandaren’s love for beer and constant tussles against monkeys and rodents. The overall feel and humor of the WoW expansion fits perfectly with Hearthstone.
Perhaps playing along with the general theme of Year of the Kraken and the Old Gods, the focus of a Pandaria adventure could be more on the malevolent spirits of the Sha, created when the Old God Y’Shaarj was slain. The Sha act as some of the main antagonists of theMists of Pandaria expansion, and would really tie in well as final wing bosses. These Sha cards could potentially synergize well together and make for some interesting card combinations.
The Pandaria zone of Vale of Eternal Blossoms was also teased in previous Old Gods promotional material. I think the potential for some really fun and fitting themes reside in Pandaren lore, along with some killer music that I would love to have in the game.
Next: Karazhan