5 Adventures We Want To See In Hearthstone

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Orcs vs. Humans
Credit: Blizzard

Horde vs. Alliance

Hearthstone‘s last adventure, The League of Explorers, broke away from well-known dungeons and raids and focused in on a small part of the Warcraft universe while giving it it’s own unique twist. I think a potential candidate for a similar experience would be the backbone of the Warcraft universe, the story of the Horde versus the Alliance.

One thing that has been missing (or ignored) in Hearthstone is the concept of the two warring factions. And it makes sense in terms of game mechanics so as to not limit the player’s card choices by both class and faction. Otherwise, playing your orc Kor’kron Elite card side by side with your human Varian Wrynn card wouldn’t make any sense, for example. But the constant conflict between the Horde and the Alliance is a key aspect of the Warcraft universe. If the design team can come up with a creative solution to get around this lore hurdle, the potential encounters based around battleground combat could be extremely unique and loads of fun.

There are a number of player v. player battlegrounds in World of Warcraft that would make for potential wings of an adventure. One wing we could be playing through is the snowy Alterac Valley, fighting against the Generals Vanndar Stormpike and Drek’thar, while in another we could be leading a vehicular siege in Strand of the Ancients or the Isle of Conquest. One wing could include the fight for Tol’Barad which culminates in taking down the bosses within Baradin Hold. I don’t know about you, but years of frustration from losing in Alterac Valley could definitely be soothed if this adventure comes to be realized.

Next: Pandaria