Without villains, there are no heroes. We take a look at the top 50 greatest video game villains of all time.
Everyone loves a great hero, but the villain is the driving motivation behind every great story. Every hero needs someone or something preventing them from reaching their end goal, whether it is to rescue the princess, save the world, or escape their own demise. That is what makes for an epic adventure. Sometimes these antagonists can be even more complex and captivating than the protagonists themselves. A good villain engages the player and drives them to keep playing the game in order to defeat them. Whether it is their diabolical plans, their monstrous appearances, or their evil personalities, villains can make or break a video game.
We’ve gathered up a list of fifty of the greatest villains known to gaming, both old and new. We’ve ranked these dastardly enemies based on several factors: their aesthetics, their personality, boss mechanics, and narrative influence. Where does your archenemy rank on our list?
NOTE: Some of the following descriptions contain spoilers. Be careful what you read!
Next: 50 - Pope Rodrigo Borgia