6 Wii U Games That Should Have Been

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wii u games
Credit: Nintendo of America /

The Legend of Zelda

Yes, I know we’ve been drowning in Zelda titles lately. The Wii U received Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD alongside plenty of original titles and remakes alike on the 3DS. The Legend of Zelda Wii U was originally announced for release in 2015 but has been delayed all the way to 2017 and the release of the NX. I can only speculate, but some of the delays surely must be because they are upgrading it to perform on both systems where originally there may not have been a plan to do so. This means that the Wii U stands as the only Nintendo system without its own, exclusive Legend of Zelda title. It’s instead been saddled with remakes and shared games.

I remember when I first bought my Wii U and played Nintendo Land, how enthralled I was with the Legend of Zelda-based mini-game where you shot arrows using the Gamepad’s gyro sensor. I thought for sure when I played that game that we’d see a Legend of Zelda title on the Wii U within a year or two. Though I’m not lamenting the NX-ification of what will surely be a wonderful title, I can’t help but feel that the lack of a Wii U-exclusive Zelda game is a huge missed opportunity for Nintendo, who could have used it to draw more players to their rather weak console. Instead, we’re given The Legend of Zelda “Wii U” as a sad parting gift if we opt not to upgrade to the NX next year. And, given the Wii U’s sorry history, who wouldn’t?

Next: Mother Brain could have thought up a Wii U version