The 10 Best Villagers In Animal Crossing: New Leaf

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10 of 11
Animal Crossing New Leaf
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2 – Cookie

Personality: Peppy

Catchphrase: “arfer”

Why she’s great: Cookie is by far the most adorable character in the entire game with her huge eyes, puppy dog face, and a nose like a chocolate chip (thereby justifying her name). She also has one of the best put-together rooms, using elements from the Ranch set and the Patchwork set to create a living space that’s both comfy and personable. Cookie is sophisticated, drinking her coffee black and cheerfully pursuing her interest in performance art, in spite of the fact that she’s in the middle of nowhere without a theatre in sight. She’s not stuck up about her desires for fame the way the snooty villagers tend to be. No, Cookie wants to dance because she loves to dance; not because she has delusions of grandeur. She’ll even put her hands in the air with you at Club LOL on some evenings.

Cookie is the best villager to have for a friend, hands down. She’s always excited to see you, and will save every letter you send her and show them back to you, repeatedly, to remind you how much she cares. She gives gifts, then apologizes for their quality even when they’re the one furniture piece you’ve been trying to find for weeks. Though she can be a tad on the sensitive side, it’s hard to make her mad short of open hostility. A font of positivity, cuteness, and fun, Cookie would be the best villager in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, if not for one very fuzzy bear.

Next: 1 - The fuzziest of friends