25 Best Apple TV Apps

Image courtesy of Apple.
Image courtesy of Apple.
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Apple TV Podcasts logo
Apple TV Podcasts logo


This might seem a little unconventional given the majority of these apps are for video streaming in one sense or another, but if there’s another thing Apple offers that is nearly unmatched, it’s their podcast selection.

Just about everyone and their mother has a podcast these days, and you get that sense by looking at the sheer number of podcasts available for perusal when you open up this app. All of the top podcasts available via iTunes are available to listen to here. So if you’re taking on a project around the house and need something to help you pass the time, just fire up this app and pick from a ton of great options.

Apple TV is all about giving you the most possible options for your entertainment. Whether that be music, movies, sports or, yes, podcasts. This app perfectly shows the diversity that the Apple TV brings to the table.

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