Pokemon Sun And Moon Pokemon, Ranked

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pokemon sun and moon
Credit: The Pokemon Company/Game Freak /

12 – Type: Null/Silvally

Type: Normal

Classification: Synthetic Pokemon

Type: Null Pokedex: The heavy control mask it wears suppresses its intrinsic capabilities. This Pokémon has some hidden special power. Due to the danger that this synthetic Pokémon may go on a rampage, it wears a control mask to restrain its power.

Silvally Pokedex: Its trust in its partner is what awakens it. This Pokémon is capable of changing its type, a flexibility that is well displayed in battle. Although its name was Type: Null at first, the boy who evolved it into this form gave it the name by which it is now known. It destroyed its own control mask. It has become capable of changing its type by equipping special memories. Upon awakening, its RKS System is activated. By employing specific memories, this Pokémon can adapt its type to confound its enemies.

Explanation: Some of the most fascinating backstory in the entire game is connected to Type: Null, who was an experiment performed by the Aether Foundation to create something that would combat Ultra Beasts. If you’re paying attention, you’ll catch that it bears a striking resemblance to Arceus, the God Pokemon, and the RKS System activated in Silvally even sounds like the word “Arceus,” with the same functionality as Arceus’ plates. So, basically, Type: Null is a failed alchemy experiment intended to recreate god, wearing a heavy and restrictive control mask (which sounds and looks like some sort of torture device) to keep it from rampaging. Yikes. Haven’t these guys watched Full Metal Alchemist?