50 Best PS4 Games Right Now

15 of 50
The Evil Within
Bethesda /

Best PS4 Games #36 – The Evil Within

Developer: Tango Gameworks

Synopsis: The Evil Within’s main story focuses on Sebastian Castellanos, a detective for the Krimson City Police Department reeling from a substantial loss that has him questioning everything about himself. Answering the call of a mass murder at a local hospital, everything goes off the rails as he wakes up in an alternate world, where Haunted creatures roam Krimson City at the hands of the twisted Ruvik. Monstrosities chase him, and Sebastian must use an arsenal of upgradeable weapons in order to take down enemies and overcome the trauma within his own mind.

Why it’s one of the 50 best PS4 games: Shinji Mikami knows a formula to excellent gameplay and sticks to it well. The Evil Within very well may be considered a spiritual successor to Resident Evil 4, especially when you compare the over-the-shoulder third-person sensibilities of a hero shooting at a variety of humanoid monstrosities. The upgrade system infuses RPG elements to keep gameplay variety fresh and lets players choose the style they want to enjoy. Plus, the gripping story is only fleshed out with the DLC, telling an alternate story that happens in companion to the main story.

The Evil Within is the kind of title that reaffirms your faith in Mikami and hope for what comes next.

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