Hogwarts Legacy: Where to find every Beast that you can breed

Warner Bros. Games
Warner Bros. Games

Hogwarts Legacy is filled with tons of content and tons of creatures that you will come across in the Wizarding World. Some of the creatures you come across may be your enemy, while others might be Beasts. There are a total of 13 Beasts in Hogwarts Legacy. These Beasts can be captured and bred, or you can sell them in bunches for a nice chunk of change. If you opt to breed them, they can have little Beast babies, giving you a chance to try to “collect them all.”

Of the 13 Beasts scattered about Hogwarts Legacy, only 12 of them can actually be bred. The only Beast featured in the game that cannot be bred is the legendary Phoenix. The Phoenix is a one-of-a-kind Beast that can only be found once at a certain point in the game. Given the rarity of the Phoenix and it being one of a kind, this Beast should be well taken care.

How to breed all 12 Beasts

Since the Phoenix can’t be bred, that leaves you with 12 remaining Beasts to try and breed. These Beasts can be found scattered throughout the Wizarding World and it is up to you to find them and breed them if you so wish.

Before you can get to making babies, you will need to make sure that you have The Room of Requirement unlocked along with the Nab-Sack. Both can be unlocked by following some of Deek’s Quests. Once you have both of those unlocked, you will then need to complete Deek’s Side Quest “Foal of the Dead.” This Quest sets you out to capture and Thestral and bring it back to the Vivarium in The Room of Requirement so that you are one step closer to capturing and breeding all 12 Beasts.

If you have made it up to this point in the game, then you are ready to start breeding. You will need to purchase a Breeding Pen Spellcraft from Tomes and Scrolls in Hogsmeade for 1,000 Galleons. Now that you have gotten the easy part out of the way, it is time for the hard part. The hard part is actually going out and having to capture each of the 12 Beasts for breeding.

List of every Beast and locations of where to find them

  1. Diricawl Den Locations: Dens can be found in Clagmar Coast, Hogwarts Valley, Marunweem Lake, and Poidsear Coast.
  2. Fwooper Den Locations: Dens can be found in Bainburgh, Clagmar Coast, Fledcroft, Hogwarts Valley, and South Sea Bog.
  3. Giant Purple Toad Den Locations: Dens can be found in Forbidden Forest, Hogsmeade Valley, North Ford Bog, South Hogwarts Region, and South Sea Bog.
  4. Graphorn Den Locations: Den can be found Clagmar Coast
  5. Hippogriff Den Locations: Dens can be found in Hogwarts Valley, Manor Cape, and Poidsear Coast (Must complete “The High Keep Quest” to unlock Hippogriffs).
  6. Jobberknoll Den Locations: Dens can be found in Cragcroftshire, and North Ford Bog.
  7. Kneazle Den Locations: Dens can be found in Clagmar Coast, Cragcroftshire, Hogwarts Valley, Marunweek Lake, and South Sea Bog.
  8. Mooncalf Den Locations: Dens can be found in Feldcroft, Forbidden Forest, and South Hogwarts Region.
  9. Niffler Den Locations: Dens can be found in Cragcroftshire, Feldcroft, Hogwarts Valley, Manor Cape, North Hogwarts Region, and Poidsear Coast.
  10. Puffskein Den Locations: Dens can be found in Clagmar Coast, Feldcroft, Forbidden Forest, Hogwarts Valley, Manor Cape, Poidsear Coast, and South Hogwarts Region.
  11. Thestral Den Locations: Dens can be found in Marunweek Lake and other locations (Must complete “The High Keep Quest to unlock Thestrals).
  12. Unicorn Den Locations: Dens can be found in Forbidden Forest, Northeast of Mooncalf Den, and Spinner’s Cavern.

Now that you know where to exactly find each Beast, you can now make your way to each location. Once you have captured the Beast that you want, bring them back to the Vivarium in The Room of Requirement and you can start breeding. When you are ready to start breeding, you will need to make sure that you have one male and one female beast of the same species. The breeding process will take 30 minutes of real time. Once the breeding has completed, you will have little Beast babies in the Vivarium.

Every time you breed you have a chance of hatching an extra rare shiny Beast. You will know that it is shiny if it has a sparkle symbol next to its name. That is all you need to know about breeding all 12 of the available breeding Beasts. Once you have bred all 12 Beasts, an Achievement/Trophy should be unlocked called “The Nature of the Beasts.” This signifies that you have indeed breaded every Beast that you can in Hogwarts Legacy.