5 games that have gotten me through Coronavirus quarantine

Bungie /
5 of 5

5. Destiny 2

If you would’ve told me in the middle of March that I’d be playing a lot of Destiny 2 at the end of June 2020, I would’ve said no way. But here I am, working on quests and bounties for the drifter, running strike after strike, and inching my way through exotic quests.

What really drew me in was the arrival of the pyramid ships. I was watching a Dr. Lupo stream, and having not played Destiny 2 since launch, the game looked entirely different. I was overwhelmed with the amount to do and didn’t know where to go and what to do my first couple of days playing. That said, I’m now loving the openness of Destiny 2 and the ability to focus on the quests and activities that I want to focus on. So much so that I purchased the expansions and the season pass.

I needed a FPS with tight gunplay and RPG and looting aspects in my life, and Destiny 2 is filling that void.

What else is on my list to play eventually?

  • Horizon Zero Dawn
  • Currently playing my way through Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition
  • Death Stranding
  • Gears Tactics

Which games are you playing during this odd time of social distancing?